quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2014

Bolas de Abóbora

Bolas de Abóbora

Uma receita fácil cheia de fibras, proteínas e gorduras saudáveis ​​

Ingredientes (18-20 bolas)
½ chávena de sementes de abóbora (sem casca)
½ chávena de sementes de girassol
1 colher de sopa de sementes de chia
½ chávena de amêndoas
½ chávena de puré de abóbora
½ chávena de flocos de aveia
1 colher de chá de canela
½ colher de chá de gengibre 


Coloque as nozes e as sementes num liquidificador.  Despeje numa tigela e reserve. 
Coloque o restante dos ingredientes no liquidificar  para cortar e misturar bem.
Adicione a mistura de nozes e sementes e misture com o resto
Junte tudo e envolva em película aderente e esprema até formar uma bola grande.
Leve ao frigorífico por 30-60 minutos.
Retire do frigorífico e faça bolas pequenas .
Guarde no Frigorifico

Receita: Lindsay L

English Version

Pumpkin Energy Balls

An easy grab & go snack that tastes like fall and is packed with fiber, protein and healthy fats for energy.

Ingredients Serves: 18-20 balls

½ cup pumpkin seeds (shelled)
½ cup sunflower seeds
1 Tablespoon chia seeds
½ cup almonds
½ cup pumpkin puree
1 cup chopped & pitted dates
½ cup rolled oats
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon ginger


Put the nuts and seeds in a food processor or high-powered blender and pulse several times to chop. Pour into a bowl and set aside.
Put the remaining ingredients in the food processor and process to chop and mix well.
Add the nut mixture and pulse several times until well combined.
Scoop mixture onto large piece of plastic wrap. Wrap up and squeeze to form large ball.
Freeze for 30-60 minutes.
Remove from freezer and roll into bite-sized balls.

Store in the freezer.

Author: Lindsay L

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