domingo, 5 de outubro de 2014

Experimente estas dicas se quiser perder algum peso - Parte I

Gostaria de cortar cerca de 500 calorias diariamente, experimente estas dicas, poderão não ser as mais usuais mas se as levar á rica perderá cerca de 1 kilo por semana ou até 11 kilos em 6 meses e poderá usar no Carnaval aquela fantasia que deseja á tanto tempo

Coma com a mão não dominante
De acordo com pesquisadores da Universidade da Califórnia do Sul, mudando a rotina irá ajudá-lo a comer menos. "Embora nós pensemos que a nossa alimentação é impelida pela fome, é mais que tudo determinada por estímulos ambientais", explica Leslie Heinberg, Ph.D., director de serviços comportamentais do Cleveland Clinic’s Bariatric and Metabolic Institute. Por exemplo, Foi pedido a cinéfilos para comera a mesma quantidade de pipocas eles comeram  simplesmente porque era seu hábito enquanto assistiam a um  filme. Mas quando alguns foram convidados a mudar as mãos, eles engoliram menos pipocas

Acabe com o Stess
O stress pode realmente mudar a forma como o nosso corpo metaboliza os alimentos e promove  o ganho de peso, de acordo com pesquisa da Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Os cientistas alimentaram as mulheres com uma refeição rica em gordura. Aqueles que referiram  sentir-se com stress no dia anterior queimaram menos 104 calorias no período seguinte de sete horas do que aqueles que não o estiveram com Stress, uma diferença que pode resultar num ganho de peso de 11 quilos num ano. "O stresse define-nos a ser mais eficiente com as calorias, que é a última coisa que precisamos fazer", diz Heinberg. Para manter o stress sob controle, deveria-se fazer yoga. Os pacientes da Universidade do University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, que fizeram sessões de ioga de uma hora três dias por semana durante seis semanas tiveram quedas acentuadas nos níveis de cortisol, o hormônio do stress em comparação com aqueles que fazem simples alongamento ou não yoga

Coma ameixas e veja o resultado
Um estudo da Universidade de Liverpool descobriu que comer 5-6 gramas de ameixas secas todos os dias durante 12 semanas permitiu que os participantes com excesso de peso a perder uma média de quase 2 kilos. Sabemos o que está a pensar: Essas ameixas fazem provavelmente que  peso saia da mais desagradável maneira possivel. Mas as ameixas foram bem toleradas , e sem efeitos colaterais negativos foram relatados . Experimente elam nos batidos que ficam uma delicia

Reveja o lanche
Se você está a dividir o seu total de calorias diárias em cinco ou seis pequenas refeições, afim de controlar a fome e perder peso, você pode ser capaz de conviver com menos um lanche e emagrecer ainda mais. De acordo com um estudo publicado no Journal of the American Dietetic Association, um lanche a meio da manhã é menos eficaz para a perda de peso do que a meio da tarde um. Os pesquisadores especulam que a descoberta pode ter menos a ver com quando petisco do que o simples fato de que não há tanto tempo entre café da manhã e almoço para a maioria das pessoas, há entre almoço e jantar.

Fonte: womenshealthmag

English Version

How would you like to cut about 500 calories from your daily diet without even realizing it? That’s right—you won’t even know you’re eating less, and you won’t feel hungry. All you have to do is turn the following tips into habits, and you’ll drop one pound per week, 26 pounds in six months, or 52 pounds by next year! Stick to the strategy, and watch the scale drop to a new low.

Eat with Your Non-Dominant Hand
According to researchers at the University of Southern California, making this simple switch will help you eat less. "Although we think our eating is driven by hunger, much of it is actually determined by environmental cues," explains Leslie Heinberg, Ph.D., director of behavioral services for the Cleveland Clinic’s Bariatric and Metabolic Institute.

For example, in this USC study, moviegoers ate the same amount of popcorn whether it was stale or fresh. They ate it simply because that was their movie-watching habit. But when some were asked to switch eating hands, they swallowed less of both, especially the stale stuff. Why? Disrupting their eating pattern made them more mindful. There are many ways to do this, like using chopsticks or even having dinner in a different part of the house (or couch). It wakes you up. Try this simple eating meditation to cultivate some mindfulness with your meals.

Hit the Mat
Stress may actually change the way our bodies metabolize food and promote weight gain, according to research from Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Scientists fed women a high-fat meal. Those who reported feeling stressed the previous day burned 104 fewer calories in the following seven-hour period than those who weren’t stressed—a difference that could result in a weight gain of 11 pounds in one year. "Stress sets us up to be more efficient with calories, which is the last thing we need to do," says Heinberg. To keep stress in check, commit to doing yoga. Patients at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center who did one-hour yoga sessions three days per week for six weeks experienced steep declines in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol compared to those doing simple stretching or no yoga. The 10-minute gentle yoga routine in the video below is the perfect place to start.

Pop a Prune
A University of Liverpool study found that eating five to six ounces of prunes every day for 12 weeks enabled overweight participants to lose an average of almost four-and-a-half pounds and nearly an inch from their waistlines. We know what you’re thinking: Those prunes probably caused that weight to come off in the most unpleasant of ways. But the prunes were well tolerated, and no negative side effects were reported. "Prunes' high fiber content [six of them contain five grams, which is more than eight ounces of Metamucil] helps you feel full and stay full longer," says Amy Goodson, R.D. "Pair them with a protein, like two percent cheese, for a snack, or chop and put them in your morning oatmeal." They also work well in smoothies

Snack in the Afternoon
If you’re divvying up your total daily calories across five or six smaller meals in order to control hunger and lose weight, you may be able to get by with one less snack and slim down even more. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, a mid-morning snack is less effective for weight loss than a mid-afternoon one. Researchers speculate the finding may have less to do with when we snack than the simple fact that there’s not as much time between breakfast and lunch for most people as there is between lunch and dinner. Thus, morning snackers may be guilty of mindless eating and probably could forgo that feeding without getting ravenous and overeating at lunch.

Source: womenshealthmag

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